At the beginning of this month I completed my North American Nintendo 64 collection. To say I was (am) excited would be an understatement. It is such a surreal feeling to know I owned every single game released for a system. To be fair the Nintendo 64 is probably the easiest Nintendo system to collect for. All in all i think it took me about 3 years to complete. When I first started I had no intention of going for a full set.Then I started reaching certain milestones and was hell bent of finishing it. Every step of the way was awesome. I discovered so many titles on the system that I had never even heard of. I also got to enjoy the games I grew up playing.
The best part of the whole journey was getting game from so many different people. The easy thing wou have been to buy everything off ebay. But through instagram I was able to trade with some very cool people. I can honestly say I would have not finished my set as fast as I did if not for the help of others. The best part was getting the final game I needed from my buddy who went above and beyond to get my a copy of Clayfighter Sculptor's Cut. One of the coolest things anyone has ever done for me. That was just the bet way to finish my set. It's awesome to know that there are other people out there who want to help and support you through the whole process.
Now that I've finished the set I'm focusing on getting the variant carts to some of the N64 games. In total there are a little less than 15. Some are inexpensive but a few are up there in price. I'm in no rush to get that done though. Im happy with my collection and how it came together. Everything after is an added bonus.
I've had many people ask me what's next. I have a few things in mind but I have been focusing a lot on NES lately. Unlike the Nintendo 64, NES is a lot more expensive. I don't plan on getting a full set anytime soon but it will be damn fun to try.
For anyone looking to collect a full Nintendo 64 set I say, go for it! It's still reasonably priced (although I have noticed some price increases lately) and it's really fun to collect for. It's a great set to have and can be acquired fairly quick. But like a mentioned in a previous post. Don't do it just because, make sure you do it cuz you have some sort of passion for it. If not you'll get bored fast and not last very long.
*Side note*
It's been a very long while since I posted anything. I was dead set on keeping my blog updated frequently but got side tracked. Now I am back!