Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Now playing #2

Ive been finding it pretty hard to find a game that interests me enough to commit to it. Lately I've been pretty discouraged with gaming and collecting in general. I'm not giving up on either but it's been pretty bare as of late. There are a ton of games I want to play (some I even started) but I just get lazy to go back to them. I started DMC since it was free on PSN. I played about 30 mins worth, I enjoyed it, but have yet to return to it. I get exhausted thinking about what to play. I have plenty of games to choose from but none of which I feel like coming time to. Maybe I should just pick something at random and power through it. 

On my last "Now playing" post I was playing through 3D dot game heroes. It was a fun game but then my save file erased and I stopped. I wasn't that far in but that bummed me out none the less. 

I have yet to beat Fire Emblem. I'm pretty sure I'm close to the end. I should really try to finish that game.

In did beat Tearaway on the Vita a month back. It was definitely enjoyable but I don't think it deserves a second play thorough. Unless, of course you want to get the platinum trophy. I also played though Hotline Miami. That game was great. The control scheme is a little weird at first but after your first playthough they become second nature.

I'll make an update post once I start a new game and play it for more than 10 minutes. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Playstation All-Star Battle Royal (Thoughts)

So I've been playing on my Vita nonstop the last few weeks. I know the Vita doesn't get a lot of love but I personally think its great. I've been buying up every game I can find for cheap. After playing through Tearaway I debated what to play next. As much as I've been wanting to try an RPG on the system, I decided to go with a game I got for cheap sometime around black Friday. That game was Playstation All-Star Battle Royal.

I know Playstation All-Star Battle Royal (the name alone is exhausting) has been crapped on a lot in reviews. When I first heard about it I immediately thought it was going to be garbage. Many people made the comment that it was a Smash Bros. rip off. At the end of the day it is but I don't feel the comparison is enough to really but the two games on the same level. So I start the game for my first play through with Kratos. I won't get to detailed on the gameplay or even the story of the game. I really want to just give my opinion of the game as a whole.

It took me maybe about 25 mins to beat the story mode with Kratos. I did play the game on the easiest setting because my fighting game skills are very minimal. Each stage had a themed pertaining to a certain character in the game. All that was well and dandy until my second play through. I chose the highest difficulty and went through the game again. Now let me point out the only reason I went through the game again (and many times there after) was to get the Playstation trophy associated with finishing the game. Playing on the hardest difficulty took me close to 35 minutes to complete. I had to retry three separate levels on that play through. After I beat the game I decided to switch up my character. Now on my third play though, I decided I should go through the game with each character to get the trophies. Here's where my opinion of this game were solidified. The stages NEVER change. They repeat every single play through. They do switch it up from time to time depending on what character you are currently using. The game and enemies become beyond repetitive. There's no purpose in trying to get wrapped up in the story of each characters cuz it's pointless. It makes no sense (it's a fighting game so that's to be expected) but there is no incentive to finish the game.

Once you beat it once you're basically done. You can go online and play if that's your thing. I guess that would give you more hours with the game. I'm not into playing fighting games online cuz I rarely even get to hit the other opponents. I only keep playing the game to get the trophies for beating it with each character. I'm at the point where I play it while I watch t.v. and just button mash. I really don't know why I still bother.

At the end of the day it's an okay fighting game but it feels like its lacking any sort of personality. The character's aren't all that exciting. The game itself gets boring really fast. They tried adding more character's to the roster but it'll cost you $10. That's exactly how much I payed for Playstation All-Star Battle Royal. I can't imagine paying retail for this game. Should you go out and buy it? If its cheap and are a collector sure. Is it worth buying cuz its a great game? It definitely is not. You could do much worse but you can also do much better. At least it shows off some of the power of the Vita. Then again a lot of games do and the Vita is still just kind of… there.