Friday, April 5, 2013

Why I hate(d) RPG's

I know RPG's are a staple of the gaming community. But for basically my whole life I have hated them! 5 years ago I would dismiss anything and everything that had any ties with the RPG genre. If I read a game had  "RPG" element I would avoid it like the plague! To be honest I never played RPG's. I just hated them. I was all about the action. Running and gunning. Hack and slash. Blood and guts!!! If I wasn't stabbing someone every 2 minutes the games was crap to me. But why? Why did I hate a genre that I mingled in a few times?

When the Pokemon craze was going on I was HOOKED! I mean come on! I was about 9 maybe. So just like everyone else I bought into it big time. I bought the cards as often as my parents could give me the money. So when I found out about the Gameboy games I{ had to have them. Now let me stop right here. I've been informed by a friends (who shall remain nameless. Let's call him "Matt" ) that Pokemon games are "Light RPG's." I see now that they are easier versions of RPG's but at the time I thought that shit was hardcore! So I got Pokemon Red. I played it and played it. I never honestly beat it but I had a ton of fun with it. I think I was too young to know about the different genres of games so I never thought anything of it. I did get bored of the random encounters sometimes but overall it was awesome. Even with that exprecince behind me I still hated RPG's. I guess I convinced myself I only played through it because it was Pokemon related. My next (and final) venture into the RPG genre had a similar set up.

When I got my PS2 I didn't have many games. Then I saw an article in a gaming magazine for Kingdom Hearts. A game where I can fight with Disney character's? Say what??!! I begged my parents to buy it for me. Why wouldn't I want to kick ass with Mickey mouse, donald and Goofy. After a few months I got it. Right away I put it in. Then the cutscenes started, I thought to myself, " Ok this is a little weird." Started walking around and stuff still confused. Whatever i'll keep going. After awhile I started to understand the story and figure out wtf was going on. Then slowly the characters started coming up. I then invested a good chunk of my time into the game. I didn't really use the magic or use the upgrades system. I just kept pushing "X" to attack. I would loose and just keep going. It wasn't a bad experience at all. I never beat the game though. Ultimately I stopped playing it because I was stuck on a level and had no idea what to do. So that was the end of my Kingdom Hearts play through. So after those two somewhat decent experiences why did I still hate RPG's?


Eye of the Beholder was one of the two SNES games I had growing up ( the first being Super Mario World). Although anyone can argue that you can play Super Mario World all day, it is nice to take a break. So I popped in Eye of the Beholder. This game pissed me off!! I mean I was a kid, yes, but wtf!! I hated everything about this game. The graphics, the endless walking, the walls, EVERYTHING! I honestly don't know how I got this game. Imagine having the time of your life playing Super Mario World then playing this. If you have not played this game its basically a First Person RPG. To be honest I don't know what to classify this game. I don't care to classify it. It drove my younger self crazy 'cuz I didn't get it. Even years later I thought to myself, " I was young and dumb let me give it another chance." NO!!!! Still didn't get it! WTF is this game! I don't know what happened to my original SNES and games but I know when I started collecting this was #1 on my want list. Why? I don't know why. It was a reminder of the darker days of my childhood I suppose.

All that being said, " Where am I now." Good question subconscious. I attribute my new outlook on RPG's to two different things. Instagram and " that guy we'll call Matt." Instagram has been my outlet for my gaming for almost a year now. As the "community" has banded together I tend to take people's opinions a lot more seriously. So when I saw everyone and their mom posting pics of Fire Emblem Awakeing I got curious. What is this game? What's so damn amazing about it? Ugh it's an RPG, gross! I decided I needed to man up and take the dive. I was burned out by the countless rehashes of COD and shooter's, etc. I wanted something I could play for more than half a day. And man oh man was Fire Emblem the game to do it. Even though I have yet to beat it (I am about 25 hours in) I'm still not bored. I can't say I fully understand what's going on but I'm having a great time figuring it out. As for "that guy Matt" he has been the main dude to push me in the direction of RPG's. From noob RPG to die hard RPG he has sent me ton's of stuff to look over. In the last month alone 74% (75% is too cliche) of my purchases have been RPG's and it's all thanks to him ( my wallet does not thank you though)

Now, can I say i'm a die hard RPG fan? Hell no!! I still don't know wtf I'm doing. I want to take it slowly and play some of the "key" titles one at a time. Will I ever hate an RPG again? Most likely. But I've learned that not everything put out is in anyway similar to Eye of the Beholder. As soon as I realized that game scared me I knew I could move on. Now I can move on and enjoy a whole new library of games I always shunned. Now gaming won't take a half a day of my life but most likely weeks per game. Awesome!

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